Yoga: useful in case of atrial fibrillation

The yoga helps to control Atrial fibrillation (FA). This conclusion was reached from a survey conducted at the ‘University of Kansas Hospital and presented in recent days as part of the annual congress of ‘American College of Cardiology which was held in New Orleans. I health benefits of the practice of Indian origin have been known for some time; both for what concerns the inspection of stress that of joint and muscle pain. It has recently been validated for example, his valuable assistance in the event of Fibromyalgia. But it is the first time that yoga is associated with Atrial fibrillation which, remember, is the ‘arrhythmia ever more frequent, causing an inability of heart muscle to carry out its normal function is to “push” of blood body.
The data presented in Congress are based on 49 patients with established diagnosis of FA. Were followed for six months over the first three was carried out monitoring of the basic elements, the normal daily activities and also in some sports. In the second part of the study but were asked to practice yoga through exercises, meditation techniques and relaxation, three times a week and for at least 45 consecutive minutes. At the end of 180 days atrial fibrillation was reduced by half, reduced the levels of anxiety and depression.
yoga atrial fibrillation Yoga: useful in case of atrial fibrillation
Significant results even though, say the researchers themselves, yoga is not intended as a care final, but as a natural remedy, Free side effects that can be certainly help to reduce symptoms and increase the overall quality of life of the patient. All this should not surprise us, indeed. Just look at the origins and the development of this discipline is a life science, philosophy, religion and spirituality that lead human beings to understand and live in harmony with the world around him. All in a perfect balance between mind, body and mind, was that you can reach important techniques, primarily those of breathing and meditation, all vital to the achievement of well-being.
What the proverbial wisdom knew for some time now receives an important confirmation of the fruitful avenue of research that investigates power and prevention. We speak of the beneficial effects of apples health body, already known to be useful in tackling heart disease because of their intake of pectin and polyphenols, and study specific targeted by experts with regard to the maintenance in levels of risky cholesterol.

To determine the action to combat these fruits to the cholesterol so-called bad was a recent survey conducted by a team of scholars pertaining to Florida University Tallahassee United States, coordinated by Bahram Arjmandi.
The study, presented at the ‘Experimental Biology 2011 Washington, was made on a sample of women. The benefits, therefore, were found when only the female population, even though eating apples does not hurt to men, of course.
Specifically, the researchers studied 80 women aged between 45 and 65, invited to eat prunes every day for a year. Another group, also consisting of 80 women, has instead been invited to eat the same amount of apples dried.
Apples Aid In Cholesterol Apples Aid In Cholesterol
At the end of the experiment analysis spoke quite clear: the group of women who had a regular consumption of apples in fact recorded a significant decrease of LDL bad cholesterol, Just a percentage that stood at 23% less. And there’s some here. Biomarkers associated with big killers, the diseases, were significantly lower than the other group and the women in question, other than as positive; they even lost a pound if not longer.
It really endless list of environmental damage in humans and it is disconcerting to see how the expense, we have already said, are increasingly common for our children, because, according to research conducted at the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health, there is a relationship between the mother’s exposure to environmental pollution during the pregnancy el’insorgneza of mental disorder and behavior which hyperactivity, Attention Deficit and depression infantile.

The study examined a sample of two hundred and fifteen children of which was tested at birth blood umbilical cord, The aim was to assess the levels of a biomarker of exposure to certain pollutants from combustion, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that inhaled by the expectant mother, reach the fetus through placenta and bind to its DNA condizionanone, it seems, and development.
Scholars have in fact found that children with higher blood levels of these substances were also those who had frai five and seven years of age, mental and behavioral disorders such as those mentioned above. The results of this disturbing study, led by Dr. Frederica Perera, have been published Environmental Health Perspectives.
Exposure to pollution during pregnancy Exposure to pollution during pregnancy may cause behavioral problems in children
The same study coordinator, concerned yet optimistic, said:
The results are of potential concern as attention problems, anxiety and depression may influence subsequent academic achievement and peer relationships and other aspects of life in society. Fortunately, you can reduce these air pollutants through pollution controls currently available, energy efficiency and alternative energy sources
And what we moms can do to protect children from pollution since they bring in paunch? Stay away from traffic and cigarette smoke first of all, in a world that is becoming less suitable for mother and child.
67mo national conference on the occasion of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP), presented in Milan, was the situation on the health status of childhood and adolescence in our country, bringing out the shadows and lights. There are conflicting assessments on one hand how mainstream progress of medical science and technology have allowed so many hospital children, Once destined for a dramatic end, to survive, and often live a normal life, almost like their healthy peers.
Pediatric chronic illness children Pediatrics: 3 million Italian children suffering from chronic diseases
Second, however, the same advances have created a small army of sufferer’s chronic diseases – 3 million, only in Italy, which survived even after the complications and diseases birth, Expressed with the growth the downside of a life literally torn to death with his nails and teeth. Said Alberto Ugazio, president of the Sip: “Even 15 years ago an underweight newborn baby would face certain death“.
In fact: “The rate of Infant mortality was reduced from 174 cases in 1000 of the century, to 4.4 per thousand today.” But during the meeting was also pointed out that if Italy is definitely a country for old men, much less so for children, and not only because Our fertility rate is among the lowest in the world. Public spending on services for families with children pediatric is one of the lowest in Europe, so to speak, is equal to 1, 2% of GDP, below the EU average (2.1%) and literally doubled from countries more “friends” of minor such as Denmark or Germany.
And, mind you, not because you need it! Just to underline the lack of attention to problems childhood and the needs of families, to foster the welfare state, so remember that it is the care to children that a healthy society progresses, will be held in June, a conference entitled “Children between voices and colors.” We discuss health, prevention and lifestyles be taken from an early age to preserve the Wellness in adults.

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