It really endless list of environmental damage in humans and it is disconcerting to see how the expense, we have already said, are increasingly common for our children, because, according to research conducted at the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health, there is a relationship between the mother’s exposure to environmental pollution during the pregnancy el’insorgneza of mental disorder and behavior which hyperactivity, Attention Deficit and depression infantile.

The study examined a sample of two hundred and fifteen children of which was tested at birth blood umbilical cord, The aim was to assess the levels of a biomarker of exposure to certain pollutants from combustion, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that inhaled by the expectant mother, reach the fetus through placenta and bind to its DNA condizionanone, it seems, and development.
Scholars have in fact found that children with higher blood levels of these substances were also those who had frai five and seven years of age, mental and behavioral disorders such as those mentioned above. The results of this disturbing study, led by Dr. Frederica Perera, have been published Environmental Health Perspectives.
Exposure to pollution during pregnancy Exposure to pollution during pregnancy may cause behavioral problems in children
The same study coordinator, concerned yet optimistic, said:
The results are of potential concern as attention problems, anxiety and depression may influence subsequent academic achievement and peer relationships and other aspects of life in society. Fortunately, you can reduce these air pollutants through pollution controls currently available, energy efficiency and alternative energy sources
And what we moms can do to protect children from pollution since they bring in paunch? Stay away from traffic and cigarette smoke first of all, in a world that is becoming less suitable for mother and child.
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